If an eligible student participates in a course offered through the TXVSN statewide catalog meets the requirements for enrollment, is scheduled into the course in the district’s student information system, as well as, enrolls through the TXVSN system, then the student is eligible to generate Foundation School Program (FSP) funding in the same manner as a student who receives instruction in a traditional classroom. A student is eligible to generate FSP funding for participation in a TXVSN statewide catalog course regardless of whether the student is physically present at school while participating in the course, however, the student must successfully complete the course to generate funding. In addition, a total of no more than three TXVSN courses per semester may be used in determining a student’s Average Daily Attendance eligibility.
A district or charter school may use a variety of sources of funds to pay TXVSN catalog course costs, including but not limited to the following:
School districts can receive weighted funding for the CTE courses completed through the TXVSN statewide catalog regardless if the student is physically present at school while participating in the course. For more information about the weighted funding methodology, visit the CTE allotment webpage. To view the available CTE courses offered through the TXVSN Statewide Course Catalog, see the TXVSN CTE Flyer.